10 Things a Woman Over 30 Must Own. JUST KIDDING I HATE THOSE POSTS. I Have an Etsy Shop.


Ya’ll. Summer happened. 90% good, 10% chaos. There was traveling, swimming, article writing, house-painting. AND after spending a bulk of the summer in thrift stores and antique malls, I finally opened an Etsy shop. 

In my dream world I have a little antique store filled with funky old paintings, quilts, pottery, furniture that belongs on the set of Harry Potter, a candle burning on the front counter, and a black shop cat named Persis. Also, said imaginary store has exact purple doors like the ones in this photo.

BUT. Ya’ll. Retail rent is not for the faint of heart. A virtual brick and mortar store will do just fine. I dubbed it “The House of Mabel” as a little way to honor an old and loved chapter in my life.

I have more stock and will be adding soon. Please visit!

And also, happy fall. I painted my fireplace. I bought some wallpaper. I’ll be back.

6 thoughts on “10 Things a Woman Over 30 Must Own. JUST KIDDING I HATE THOSE POSTS. I Have an Etsy Shop.

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